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Introduaction to Dr.Ding Dandan

时间:2020-04-07 10:44:04 文章来源 :留学生 浏览量:80

Dr.Ding Dandan

Dr.DING Dandan


Ding Dandan received her B. Eng. degree (Honor.) in Communication Engineering from Zhejiang University, China, in 2006. During 2007 to 2008, she was an exchange student in Microelectronic Systems Laboratory (GR-LSM) of EPFL, Switzerland. After returning to Zhejiang University, she earned her Ph.D. degree in June 2011, and served first as a postdoc researcher from July 2011 through June 2013, then as a research associate in the Multimedia Communications Laboratory (MCL) till 2015. Since 2016, she has been with the Digital Media & Interaction Research Center (DMI), Department of Information Science and Engineering, Hangzhou Normal University as a faculty member with tenure track. Her research interests include artificial intelligence based image/video processing, video coding algorithm design and optimization, embedded system architecture, and SoC design.

She is an active member in video coding standardization. In 2007, she was involved in the standardization activity of MPEG reconfigurable video coding and made great contribution. In 2011, she won the MPEG appreciation prize because her leadership in the MPEG activities. She has published around 50 papers and applied 10 patents in internal journals and conferences.

Currently, she is active in the development of new video coding algorithms for the new generation video coding standards, such as AV2. She is invited to AOM symposium in 2019 to report her research work in AV1. In 2018 and 2019, she received the research grant sponsored by Google's Chrome University Relationship Program (CURP).


1.       Operating System, Junior undergraduate student

2.       Computer Network, Junior undergraduate student

3.       Image Processing and Machine Vision, M.S. student

Contact Information

School of Information Science and Engineering

Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China

Email: DandanDing@hznu.edu.cn

Project (recent 3 years)

1.       “Research on Video Coding Algorithm and Global Optimization Using Deep Neural Network”, Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, LY20F010013, 2020-2022, Principle Investigator.

2.       “Simulation on the virtual character expression and visual presentation”, sub project of National key R & D plan, 2017-2021, Principle Investigator.

3.       “Low model complexity in-loop restoration with CNNs for AV2 codec”, Google's Chrome University Relationship Program (CURP), 2019-2020, Principle Investigator.

4.       “4K up-conversion technology for 1080P videos”, Migu Digital Media Co.,Ltd 2019-2020, Principle Investigator.

5.       “Deep Neural Network Based Frame Reconstruction For Optimized Video Coding - An AV2 Approach”, Google's Chrome University Relationship Program (CURP), 2018-2019, Principle Investigator.

6.       “High complexity and high parallelism SoC system for Ultra-HD video coding”, Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, LQ15F010001, 2015-2017, Principle Investigator.

Research Advising

Graduated 4 M.S. students; advised 30 undergraduate and 6 high school students in research.

List of papers (recent 3 years)


1.       Dandan Ding, Wenyu Wang, Junchao Tong, Xinbo Gao, Zoe Liu, Yong Fang, Bi-Prediction Based Video Quality Enhancement via Learning, submitted to IEEE transactions on Cybernetics.

2.       Dandan Ding, Lingyi Kong, Guangyao Chen, Zoe Liu, and Yong Fang, A Switchable Deep Learning Approach for In-loop Filtering in Video Coding, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2019.

3.       Junchao Tong, Lingyi Kong and Dandan Ding, A Deep Learning Approach for Quality Enhancement of Surveillance Video, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, 2019.

4.       DING Dandan, WANG Silong, LIU Zoe, and YUAN Qingshu, Real-Time H.265/HEVC Intra Encoding with A Configurable Architecture on FPGA Platform, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2019.

5.       Dandan Ding, Fuchang Liu, Honggang Qi, and Zhengwei Yao, An FPGA-friendly CABAC Encoding Architecture with Data Modeling Programming,   The Imaging Science Journal, 2018.

6.       DandanDing, Xilin Wu, Zhengwei Yao, Zhigeng Pan, Multi-frame Video Enhancement Using Virtual Frame Synthesized in Time Domain, Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics 2020.


1.       Dandan Ding, Guangyao Chen, Debargha Mukherjee, Urvang Joshi, and Yue Chen, A CNN-based In-loop Filtering Approach for AV1 Video Codec, PCS 2019.

2.       Kongling Yi, DandanDing, A CU-level Adaptive CNN In-loop Filtering for Inter Frame Coding, PCS 2019.

3.       Junchao Tong, Xilin Wu, Dandan Ding, Zheng Zhu, and Zoe Liu, Learning-Based Multi-frame Video Quality Enhancement, IEEE ICIP 2019.

4.       Guangyao Chen, Dandan Ding, Debargha Mukherjee, Urvang Joshi, and Yue Chen, AV1 in-loop filtering using a wide-activation structured residual network, IEEE ICIP 2019.

5.       Junchao Tong, DandanDing, Xilin Wu, Multi-frame quality enhancement algorithm based on spatial-temporal context learning, China Multimedia conference, 2019.

6.       Dandan Ding, Peng Liu, Yu Chen, Zheng Zhu, Zoe Liu, and Jim Bankowski, Deep Neural Network Based Frame Reconstruction For Optimized Video Coding, in Proceedings of International Conference on AIMS, 2018.