[1] 谢琪主持(1/7). 云计算中具有隐私保护的认证机制研究, 浙江省自然科学基金重点项目(LZ12F02005),2012.1-2014.12
[2] 谢琪主持.可证明安全的若干认证与密钥交换协议研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(61070153),2011-2013
[3] 谢琪参与(2/4). RSA不动点、复合加密及伪随机数,“十二五”国家密码发展基金支持项目,2012-2014
[4]. 谢琪骨干成员(3/8),国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),课题五:相关数学问题研究在密码分析和设计中的应用(2013CB834205),2013-2017
[5]. 谢琪(学术骨干).新型数据保护密码算法研究, 国家重点研发计划2017年度“网络空间安全”重点专项, 2017YFB0802000, 2018.1-2022.12
[1] Qi Xie. A new authenticated key agreement for session initiation protocol, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2012; 25(1):47–54. SCI, IF=1.1
[2] Xie Qi. Provably secure convertible multi-authenticated encryption scheme, IET Information Security, 2012, 6( 2): 65–70. SCI, IF=0.623
[3] Qi Xie, Duncan S. Wong, Guilin Wang, Xiao Tan, Kefei Chen, Liming Fang. Provably Secure Dynamic ID-based Anonymous Two-factor Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol with Extended Security Model. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2017, 12(6):1382-1392. SCI, IF=4.332
[4] Guilin Wang, Jiangshan Yu and Qi Xie. Security Analysis of A Single Sign-On Mechanism for Distributed Computer Networks, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 9(1): 294-302 (2013). SCI, IF=2.99
[5] Qi Xie, Guilin Wang, Fubiao Xia and Deren Chen. Self-Certified Proxy Convertible Authenticated Encryption: Formal Definitions And A Provably Secure Scheme. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,2014, 26(5): 1038-1051, SCI, IF=0.845
[6] Qi Xie, Na Dong, Xiao Tan, Duncan S. Wong, Guilin Wang. Improvement of a Three-Party Password-Based Key Exchange Protocol with Formal Verification. Information Technology And Control, 2013, Vol.42, No.3,231-237. SCI, IF=0.667
[7] Qi Xie, Xiao Tan, Duncan S. Wong, Guilin Wang, Mengjie Bao and Na Dong. A practical anonymous authentication protocol for wireless roaming, Security and Communication Networks. 7(8): 1264-1273 (2014) SCI,
[8] Qi Xie, Bin Hu, Xiao Tan, Mengjie Bao, Xiuyuan Yu. Robust anonymous two-factor authentication scheme for roaming service in global mobility network, Wireless Personal Communications, 2014, 74(2): 601-614。SCI, IF=0.428
[9] Qi Xie, Jianmin Zhao, Xiuyuan Yu. Chaotic Maps-Based Three-Party Password-Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, Volume 74, Issue 4, pp 1021-1027, SCI, IF=3.009
[10] Qi Xie, Dongzhao Hong, Mengjie Bao, Na Dong and Duncan S. Wong. Privacy-Preserving Mobile Roaming Authentication with Security Proof in Global Mobility Networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2014, Article ID 325734, 7 pages, 2014. SCI, IF=0.727
[11] Qi Xie, Wenhao Liu, Shengbao Wang, Lidong Han, Bin Hu, Ting Wu. Improvement of a Uniqueness-and-Anonymity Preserving User Authentication Scheme for Connected Health Care, Journal of Medical Systems, (2014) 38:91. SCI,IF=1.78
[12] Qi Xie, Bin Hu, Na Dong, Duncan S. Wong. Anonymous Three-Party Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Scheme for Telecare Medical Information Systems, PLoS ONE 9(7): e102747. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102747 (2014). SCI,IF=4.078
[13] Bin Hu, Qi Xie, Mengjie Bao, Na Dong. Improvement of user authentication protocol with anonymity for wireless communications, Kuwait Journal of Science & Engineering, 41(1):155-169,2014。SCI, IF=0.075
[14] Qi Xie, Jun Zhang, Na Dong. Robust Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Telecare Medical Information Systems, Journal of Medical Systems.2013 Apr;37(2):1-8. SCI,IF=1.78
[15] Qi Xie. Improvement of a security enhanced one-time two-factor authentication and key agreement scheme, Scientia Iranica (2012) 19 (6), 1856–1860. SCI, IF=0.537
[16] 谢琪,吴吉义,王贵林,刘文浩,陈德人,于秀源。 云计算中基于可转换代理签密的可证安全的认证协议,中国科学:信息科学,2012,42(3): 303-313
[17] Qi Xie, Zhixiong Tang, Kefei Chen. Cryptanalysis and improvement on anonymous three-factor authentication scheme for mobile networks, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2017(59): 218-230. SCI
[18] Xie Qi (谢琪), Hu Bin (胡斌), Chen Ke-Fei (陈克非), Liu Wen-Hao (刘文浩) and Tan Xiao (谭肖). Chaotic maps and biometrics based anonymous three-party authenticated key exchange protocol without using passwords. Chinese Physics B, Vol. 24, No. 11 (2015) 110505,SCI, IF=1.392
[19] Qi Xie, Bin Hu, Ting Wu. Improvement of a chaotic maps-based three-party password-authenticated key exchange protocol without using server's public key and smart card. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 79(4 ): 2345-2358 SCI, IF=3.009
[20] Qi Xie*, Zhixiong Tang. Biometrics based authentication scheme for session initiation protocol. SpringerPlus, (2016) 5: 1045-1058. SCI, IF=0.982